Application Criteria 

  • Applicants must be full-time JHU students enrolled in a JHU PhD program within any JHU School or division during the one (1)-year grant period. 
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing.* 
  • Applicants must have successfully passed PhD program comprehensive exams to apply. (Award is NOT eligible to first-year PhD candidates.)* 
  • Research proposal & scope of work must be related to academic coursework.  
  • Research proposals cannot be an integral part of an existing faculty grant or project.  
  • Research must be related to India. 
  • Academic Advisors must provide a letter of support.** 
  • Departments and Supervisors must be notified when application is submitted.** 
  • Up to $8,000 per award will be reimbursed for University-approved research and travel expenses (e.g. research administration, materials, technology, airfare, accommodations, transportation, etc.).*** All expenses must be submitted via Concur by the grant end date to be reimbursed. Funds may NOT be used for salary support. 
  • All research and travel must be completed within one (1)-year upon receiving the award. 


  • Awardees must provide GKII with a final grant report to include research deliverables, how funds were used, and impact of the project within thirty (30) days upon conclusion of the grant period. 
  • Awardees must complete a GKII program evaluation and reflection within thirty (30) days upon conclusion of the grant period.  
  • Awardees will be requested to present their research to the JHU-GKII community. 

Additional Details 

  • *Proof of GPA/transcripts will be required within the application form as supplementary documents. 
  • **Advisor Letter of Support will be required within the application form. 
  • **Departmental/Supervisor notification and approval will be required within the application form. 
  • ***Budgets will be reviewed by SPH Department of International Health Finance Team for compliance with research project funding requirements. 
  • Awardees are expected to coordinate with their faculty mentor or academic advisor to define their Scope of Work and research project deliverables. As applicable, IRB pre-approvals are required for proposed human subjects research. 
  • Awardees are responsible for securing their own arrangements for travel, including obtaining necessary visas, transportation reservations, and housing accommodations in India. Awardees must notify GKII immediately if extenuating circumstances prevent the awardee from utilizing the fellowship funding within the award period. 
  • Students may be responsible for additional taxes on funds.
  • Funds may not be used for salary support.