GHEFP Placement Sites in India addressing the thematic areas prioritized by GKII (namely, Infectious Diseases, Maternal Child Health, Health Systems Strengthening, Non-Communicable Diseases, Climate Change and Environmental Security and Digital Health and Technology) will be funded for GHRSTA grants.

Applicants may contact the CGH GHEFP coordinator of the enlisted programs to discuss their eligibility and  with questions about the application and faculty-student matching process: [email protected].


  • All full-time students who are actively pursuing a graduate degree program at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Applicants from any JHU school or division may apply.
  • All full-time JHU graduate students who can commit to a minimum of eight (8) weeks at an India GHEFP site, who can then return to complete their JHU academic programs.
  • GKII funds GHEFP placements for travel and research projects conducted in India. Please note additional limitations may be included in each individual placement description.

Not Eligible

  • JHU students who complete their studies prior to the projected travel date are not eligible to apply.
  • JHU MPH students and Masters of Entry into Nursing (MEN) students are not eligible unless they are in dual degree programs and can meet all other eligibility requirements.
  • JHU first-year medical students (MS1s) are not eligible to apply.

Award Criteria

  • Completion of the JHU Center for Global Health (CGH) Global Health Established Field Placement program GHEFP Application Process.
  • Completion of all CGH GHEFP Requirements prior to traveling to India.
  • Students who have not been previously awarded a GKII GHRSTA grant will be prioritized.
  • GHRSTA student awardees will be requested to attend virtual program orientation sessions facilitated by both CGH and GKII.
  • GHRSTA student awardees must provide GKII with a Program Report and complete a Program Evaluation within thirty (30) days upon return from India.