Award Overview 

This award is supported by the Sunil Kumar and Sumati Murli Student Training and Mentorship Endowed Fund, established in honor of former JHU Provost Dr. Sunil Kumar and Dr. Sumati Murli. Funding supports innovative research projects that foster collaboration between Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and Indian partners, and supports the mission of the Gupta Klinsky India Institute to promote academic excellence and deepen the university’s engagement with India. 


  • Promote Cutting-Edge Research: Enable JHU PhD students to pursue groundbreaking research that addresses critical issues and opportunities in India. 
  • Foster International Collaboration: Strengthen partnerships among JHU and academic, governmental, and non-governmental organizations in India. 
  • Enhance Research Skills: Provide PhD students with resources and support needed to develop and refine their research methodologies and skills. 
  • Support Global Mobility: Enable students to travel to India for fieldwork, data collection, and collaboration with local experts and institutions. 

Program Details 

  • Eligibility: Open to PhD students across Johns Hopkins University schools. 
  • Award Amount: Awards of $8,000 cover research-related expenses and travel costs to India. 
  • Number of Awards: Two (2) research awards are provided annually on a merit basis. 
  • Application Process: Applicants must submit a detailed research proposal outlining their project’s objectives, methodology, potential impact, and a project budget. Proposals are evaluated on innovation, feasibility, collaboration with Indian partners, and alignment with the long-term goals of GKII. 
  • Mentorship and Support: Fellows receive mentorship from JHU faculty members and gain access to a network of experts both at JHU and in India. Regular check-ins with faculty mentors or advisors and progress updates are recommended to ensure the successful advancement of the research projects. 
  • Duration: The research award supports research activities for up to one (1) year, with an expectation of significant progress and measurable outcomes by the end of the research award period. 

Award Eligibility 

  • Multidisciplinary award open to all JHU PhD students currently enrolled in good standing in any JHU School, Center, Institute, or Division.  
  • First year PhD candidates are NOT eligible; applicants must have passed doctoral program comprehensive exams to apply. 
  • Advisor recommendation required. 
  • Department and/or Supervisor notification required.  
  • Area of Research Proposal must be related to India. 
  • Candidates whose PhD dissertation is related to India research will be preferred. 
  • Research cannot be an integral part of existing faculty research, grant, or project. 
  • Award funding is approved solely to support the research award project and related travel expenses to India. Funds cannot be used towards tuition or compensation/salary support. 


  • Final Report: Awardees must provide GKII with a final report, including research deliverables, how funds were used, and the impact of the project. Reports are due within thirty (30) days upon conclusion of the funding period. 
  • Program Evaluation and Reflection: Awardees are requested to complete a GKII program evaluation and reflection within thirty (30) days upon conclusion of the funding period. 
  • Presentation: Awardees will be invited to present their research to the JHU-GKII community. 

Additional Questions? Contact the GKII Program Team at [email protected]